I'll Teach You Everything You Need to Know About Hypnosis

United States Board of Clinical Hypnosis® (USBCH)
5 Full Days of "One-On-One" Stage Hypnosis "Secrets Revealed" Training with Grand-Master Hypnotist, Tom Silver

This is not a group instruction class
You alone will receive Tom’s unparalleled personal attention –
one-on-one, hands-on training, live demonstrations, and so much more!
Tom doesn’t just TEACH you how… He SHOWS you how.
Then, under his instruction, you too will actually do it ’till you get it RIGHT!
For Beginners or Practicing Hypnotherapists
Your Personal Instruction will be held at the Private Estate of
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Silver in Beautiful Medford, Oregon

Upon completion you will receive 2 Certifications certified by the
United States Board of Clinical Hypnosis® (USBCH)
Stage Hypnosis Certification
Stage Hypnosis Safety Certification

5 Days of Personal “Hands-on” Training
What other course offers Stage, Radio and Television Hypnosis Training?
This is the only Hypnosis Course of it’s kind. Not only will you learn how to set up your very own Professional Hypnosis Show step by step, you will also learn the “Ins and Outs” of doing LIVE Radio and Television Demonstrations. Hypnotize people in all settings and amaze people everywhere! Perfect for the Hypnotherapist wanting to massively increase their business, the inexperienced aspiring Comedy Stage Hypnotist and even the seasoned professional looking to add serious tools to their hypnosis tool-kit!
No where else can you learn how to put on a Comedy Hypnosis Show as well as Radio and Television Show Demonstrations! Tom is a Grand Master at his craft and holds nothing back and will teach you everything he knows about this exciting profession. Learning techniques for performing hypnosis in front of large audiences will give you more client referrals than your schedule book will hold, and more opportunities than you have ever dreamed of!
Tom Silver will teach you how to demonstrate hypnotic phenomenon to non-believers of hypnosis so they will become convinced that this power can be applied to change their lives. Entertain them like no one has ever done before!
Comedy Hypnosis Shows pay $1000 – $5000+ for a one hour stage show. This is serious money. Hypnotists are in high demand all over the WORLD like never before. Booking only one show can pay enough to cover the entire price for this training.
In this course you will see up close and personal how Tom hypnotizes people on stage. You will have the opportunity to be hypnotized by him, as he demonstrates LIVE inductions and takes you through the steps of learning how to do them yourself.
From group inductions to fun and exciting stage routines, you will learn it all.

Topics Covered in Your STAGE Hypnosis Training
Complete Setup of a Professional Stage Hypnosis Show – All steps from A to Z.
Suggestibility Tests – Test audience receptivity for your stage show!
Audience Participation Experiments – Fun activities getting everyone to laugh and like you.
Talking to Your Audience – Public speaking skills, gesturing, and voicing skills.
Pre-Inductions – Your opening speech to the audience, explaining the powers of hypnosis.
Group Inductions – Various techniques to hypnotize groups of people.
Instant and Rapid Inductions – Hypnotize your volunteers rapidly!
Hypnosis Depth Testing – Knowing how deep your subjects are in hypnosis.
Stage Hypnosis Routines – Enough ideas to entertain for HOURS and how to make your own.
Safety Precautions – What to do to ensure the safety of your volunteers.
Legal Issues – Insurance, contracts, agreements, tax information and more.
Sound Effects and Background Music – Incorporating music & sound effects with skits.
Show Pricing – Know how much to charge for any event.
Promotional Materials – Producing videos, brochures, web sites and more.
Marketing – Generating business, ways to advertise without paying a dime and much more.
Back End Sales – Sell your own stage show videos and products at the show doubling your profit for the night.
And much more…

Additional Training not offered by ANY other Hypnotist
Radio Hypnosis Show Demonstration
Becoming a guest on a popular radio show.
Preparing your subjects for deep somnambulism on air in seconds.
Types of hypnotic phenomenon to produce on radio.
Promote your business while performing routines.
And much more…
Television Hypnosis Show Demonstrations
Becoming a guest on a television show.
Preparing your subjects for deep somnambulism on air in seconds.
Presenting yourself to the general audience.
Types of hypnotic phenomenon to produce on television.
Preparing for large amounts of business.
And much more…
Tom Silver has been on National Radio and Television shows regularly for the past 25 years and is the top leader in this field. He has mastered this area of hypnosis demonstrations, and now you can learn these valuable skills to explode your career like you never thought possible!

Hypnotized – Tom’s own 1-Hour Special on CBS
Montel Williams
Hard Copy
The Ricki Lake Show
The Man Show
Jimmy Kimmel Live
The Sally Show
The Other Half
Powers of the Paranormal
Life Moments
Ultimate Revenge
You Asked For It
The Home and Family Show
The Mike and Matte Show
Playboy Television’s “The Extreme Truth”
KROQ Los Angeles, Kevin & Bean Morning Show
KIIS FM Los Angeles, Mark & Brian Show
POWER 106 Radio Los Angeles, The Big Boy Show
WJFK Washington D.C., Don & Mike Show
and many others…
Five (5) Days of Dynamic Stage Hypnosis Instruction
with International Renowned Hypnotist Tom Silver!

Powerful hypnotic methods, deepening techniques and unbeatable exercises. Includes EEG Brain Wave Graphs and a diagram of the Autonomic Nervous System.
In this Scientific Hypnotherapy Training Manual you will learn Scientific Hypnotherapy and Brain Wave Technology, Visualization, Affirmation and Projection, how to make The Contract with Your Client, Somnambulist Induction & Advanced Deep Hypnosis Techniques, Hypnosis Deepening Techniques (scripts), Hypnotherapy Scripts to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Remove Fears and Phobias, Visual Imagery Scripts & Habit Removal techniques, scripts and suggestions for Sleep Problems, Group Hypnosis, How to Conduct a 30 Minute Session (full script of pre-hypnosis hypnotherapy), Early Age and Past Life Regression scripts and techniques, scripts for a variety of Client Problems, Translingual Hypnosis and Forensic Hypnosis Methods that work.
by Tom Silver
A $299.00 value INCLUDED with your training!
A Rapid-Instant-Shock Inductions Techniques
This ground-breaking Training Manual is Your Chance to Learn EXCLUSIVE Rapid-Instant-Shock Induction Techniques That Have Never Been Taught Before!
Have you ever had clients that wouldn’t go into deep hypnosis with your regular inductions? Do you find that Visual Imagery does not work on everybody? What if you could learn how to hypnotize anyone within minutes and instantly bring them into a deep state of trance where they could experience real, meaningful positive change?
You would be able to cut your session time in half if you didn’t need at least 30 minutes to progressively relax each body part one by one. You would be able to produce deeper states of hypnosis, more quickly than ever before. And you would be able to prove to them that what happened was real.

Once you’ve learned how to rapidly or even instantly hypnotize someone, you’ll discover that you can help your clients accomplish anything. It’s that powerful. I know because I’m living proof it. And so are many of the doctors, physiological therapists, hypnotists, and other individuals that I’ve personally trained.
Rapid, Instant and shock inductions bypass the critical mind and provide a direct pathway to deeper states of hypnosis where true behavioral change can take place. They work especially well on highly analytical clients. These techniques will allow you to quickly and effectively provide the solutions your clients are desperately looking for while demonstrating your expertise in the process.
by Tom Silver
A $199.00 value INCLUDED with your training!
A Hypnosis Training & Techniques Manual –
The Real Questions & Answers
This instructional manual teaches you how to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Included in this book are 130 questions and answers about hypnosis. Rapid, Instant, and Shock Hypnosis Induction Methods, Visual Imagery Suggestion Techniques, Removing Fears and Phobias, Setting Up Your Own Private Hypnotherapy Practice, Scripts and Suggestions for Clients and much more.
by Tom Silver & Ormond McGill
A treasury of knowledge with photographs!
A $19.95 value INCLUDED with your training!

Super Sonic Self Hypnosis is a brand new hypnosis method to hypnotize yourself anytime and any place so that you can be your own hypnotherapist enabling you to create many positive changes in your life. With Super Sonic Self Hypnosis, you can increase your confidence and motivation. You can over come obstacles that may stand in the way of your life like stopping smoking or losing weight.
A Brand New Induction Method for Self-Hypnosis

This very powerful self hypnosis method created by renowned hypnotist Tom Silver actually enables you to enter into a very deep receptive brain wave state of theta and delta which is the scientific terms for deep hypnosis. In this very receptive state of physical relaxation and mind concentration, you can actually reinforce and even reprogram your own subconscious bio computer and hard drive, which is your subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is only about 10% of our total mind power, and our subconscious mind (the part of our mind that stores all of our habits and emotions) is about 90% of our mind power. That part of our mind is like a computer’s hard drive where all the files and folders and programs are located.
With Super Sonic Self Hypnosis, you can actually go into those old files, habits, emotions and mind software programs and delete them out of your mind and install new positive mind software programs that can enable you to create better health, positive emotions and positive habits, that will enable you to reach your goals in life.
We go into these states of brainwave frequency activation all the time. Watching movies, driving your car and day dreaming, music and sports events all create a state of magnified concentration, and that’s what hypnosis really is, magnified concentration and magnified focus. And while you are in this state of magnified concentration, you can give yourself positive mental messages relating to the goals that you want to achieve in your life such as having more energy, playing better sports, sleeping deeply at night, being more successful, and any goals to you want to achieve, you can program and install them right into your own powerful mental computer. How wonderful is that? This special dvd will teach you the wonderful method of Super Sonic Self Hypnosis, and you will be able to hypnotize yourself and give yourself positive messages and suggestions every day! This program is designed for adults only and is not recommended for minors under 18 years old.
by Tom Silver, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Life-Change Expert
A $49.95 value INCLUDED with your training!
DVD – BLINK HYPNOSIS - A split Second Trance Induction
A Brand New Deep Induction Method
Eyes Blinking Instant Physical Hypnosis Induction Method BLINK is a revolutionary split second trance method that produces the deepest and most receptive states of hypnosis in a matter of seconds. This technique is great for hypnotherapists, NLP therapists and students of hypnotism.
You can perform this deep trance induction method anytime and any place. In this DVD, you will be able to actually see the technique conducted live my master of hypnosis Tom Silver, and you will be able to practice Blink Hypnosis with the class right in your own home. Blink will astound you and it is easy to learn. Be sure to watch for Tom Silver’s other hypnosis inductions and methods which will be available soon on this web site.
by Tom Silver, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Life-Change Expert
A $49.95 value INCLUDED with your training!

Watch Two Complete Hypnosis Shows performed by your trainer, Tom Silver including:

DVD #1: “YMCA Hypnotized” DVD: a High School Stage Hypnosis Show with full induction, routines and ending.
DVD #2: “Holiday Party” DVD: a Corporate Company Stage Hypnosis Show with full induction, routines and ending.
These DVDs will clearly demonstrate to you how your volunteer “stars” can differ greatly from each other and how a hypnotist NEEDS to be able to adapt to different situations in order to be successful. Watch these hypnotic routines in action, performed “live” before actual audiences!
A $119.95 value INCLUDED with your training!

Videos & Testimonials
Look at how much money you save with your “Hands On”
Stage Hypnosis "Secrets Revealed" Training & Certification Course
when you schedule now:
LIVE ONE-on-ONE INSTRUCTION: “Tom Silver’s ‘Hands-On’ SCIENTIFIC HYPNOSIS Training”– Five (5) complete, full days of personal intense, energetic training by World Renowned Hypnotist, Tom Silver.
TRAINING MANUAL #1: “Scientific Hypnotherapy Training Manual” by Tom Silver
Regular Price $299.00 – Included with Training!
TRAINING MANUAL #2: “Advanced Scientific Hypnosis Inductions” by Tom Silver
Regular Price $199.00 – Included with Training!
BOOK: “HYPNOTISM” A Hypnosis Training & Techniques Manual / The Real Questions & Answers
by Tom Silver and Ormond McGill
Regular Price $19.95 – Included with Training!
DVD TRAINING VIDEO: “SUPER SONIC Self-Hypnosis” by Tom Silver
Regular Price $49.95 – Included with Training!
DVD TRAINING VIDEO: “BLINK – A Split Second Trance Induction” by Tom Silver
Regular Price $49.95 – Included with Training!
Regular Price $59.95 EACH! – Included with Training!

schedule today!
5 full days of One-On-One Training for
Only $14,995.00
Save $5,000.00
That’s fIVE exclusive days with no other students.
Only you and Tom!