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"Let’s get straight to business, even though I missed half a day of the 2 day seminar (migraine) I found the time spent with Tomi Silver educational and inspiring. Tomi as a teacher was fantastic… he's very approachable, willing to answer every question; his enthusiasm for us to get things right during the practise was very encouraging. As soon as I came back I was able to put ‘his teaching’ into practise and for the first time, after completing PB training in October, I [was daring enough] not to use a script! For the first time I felt in control. FANTASTIC!"


-Alexandra Lizak-

"Every one of us thought your training was absolutely brilliant. One thing though, I was very disappointed to find out just how much I didn't know!! Your enthusiasm was infectious, not for one single minute did I get bored. How you keep going all day, full of smiles etc. I don't know.

You taught us a lot and it was worth every pound!"


-Marvin Jones-

"I am already using some of the rapid inductions.  I like the idea of having so many to choose from - the book was great - but there's nothing like seeing them work and demonstrated right in front of you - and on you! And as a therapist - I now have more tools in my tool box.


Every client now gets a different induction each session! - It has "opened up" the scope of my practice. I am very pleased I came and will probably never forget it. I liked Tomi's very positive approach - as opposed to negative aversions - and he was approachable and friendly and helpful and genuine!"


-Melanie Phelps-

"It was just what I needed, in terms of extra skills, understanding and personal confidence.

Thanks a million for a great weekend."


-Paul Vyvyan-

"Yes, I have been using the techniques to my surprise, because I felt I wouldn't be confident enough to deviate so far from what I'd previously been taught.  Guess what.... they are GREAT, and now I'm beginning to feel like a real hypnotherapist because I have a much greater range of options at my disposal."


-Sian Lowther-

"I have been using some of the inductions you taught and – wow(!) - they worked wonderfully. I would like to thank you so much for all the fantastic stuff you taught us at the weekend [because it] was just wonderful. I haven't come down from it yet."


-Rebecca Hayes-

"I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your weekend. Not only was it incredibly instructive, but it was also such great fun. I know that as a result my life is changed forever and want to sincerely thank you for that."


-Peter Bennett-

"Fantastic weekend and yes, not only did I learn a lot, I'm practicing the techniques with every client.

There were lots of interesting ideas which I'm incorporating."


-Mike Klein-






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